

Latest Posts

  • The Law of Vibration (2/12)

    Hello, dear one! If you’re wondering why some people you know are always lucky to get what they want, meet the right people, and show up at the right places at the right times? How do they attract luck so effortlessly? Since the movie Secret, a spiritual documentary was released in 2006, the world has…

  • The Law of Divine Oneness

    Are you sensing a division when you hear democrats, republicans, gender, race, black lives matter, and COVID-19 vaccination proof? We’ve been bombarded with rights and laws; are they human rights imposing on others and human laws dividing each other? If rights and laws are established by humans, they are subject to amendment and abolishment.  However,…

  • A Loss Or A Gain?

    Hello, dear one! When you’re let down by a significant disappointment, health, wealth, or a relationship, do you look at it as a loss or a gain?  Two days after last Thanksgiving, as I put away dishes in the kitchen around 9 p.m., I heard a door knock.  Peaking through my glass front door, it…

  • A Secret Of Life – ACTION (3/3)

    Hello, dear one! Have you ever wondered why some promising and healthy people are attracted to mediocre and out-of-shape partners? Facing the same opposition, why does one person live in panic anxiety and the other eases into a victory? Here is a hidden knowledge that the school systems will never teach you! Behind the law…

  • A Secret Of Life – Be A Learner (2/3)

    Hello, dear one! What’s the worst thing you can do to sabotage your health, wealth, and relationships?  Inertia in self-education! I’m not talking about school education, which was designed for us to succumb to a system so that we could live happily enslaved without knowing.  Is it possible the history we’ve learned may be a man-made…

  • A Secret Of Life -Solitude

    Hello, dear one! Do you sometimes still feel lonely while surrounded by families, friends, or associates?  If your answer is YES, you’re not alone! According to a Meta-Gallup Survey in 2023, nearly 1 in 4 adults across the world have reported feeling very lonely.  What’s more alarming? The survey found the rates of loneliness were…

  • Where Is The BEST Place For Your Money (22/22)?

    After posting 21 money stories and lessons, let’s cut down the chase and get to the bottom: Where is the best place for your money? Story 22:  In 1843, Pastor Russell Conwell was approached by a few poor young men. They asked him to lecture them so that they could have college experience.  Conwell decided…

  • Do You Expect Riches (21/22)?

    Story21: A college graduate was thrilled to work for the insurance giant, W. Clement Stone.  He asked Stone for some sales leads. Stone had his secretary type a list and give it to him.  The young man left Stone’s office full of hope and passion with the leads, and he sold four insurance policies.  At…

  • Are You Giving To Receive (20/22)?

    Story 20: When I was a college student, I commuted by subway each day.  One late afternoon, the subway was so crowded as usual that we were practically rubbing each other’s clothes.  Suddenly, the lady standing left to me screamed, “Oh my God, oh my God! Someone stole my wallet right out of my bag.” …

  • A Must Skill To Prosper (19/22)

    Story 19: Some years ago, American business investor Warren Buffett was invited to speak at a business school.  One student stood up and asked him, “ What is a good way to advance in a company?”  After giving some thought with a long pause, Buffett surprised everyone in the room. “Get comfortable with public speaking,”…

  • Do You Allow Your Rich Good (18/22)?

    Story 18: At a multi-day seminar hosted by the motivational guru Tony Robbins, a young man stood up and claimed that he wanted to attend Tony’s Mastery University, which required $20,000.  The problem? Funds!  Out of curiosity, Tony asked about his career, and the young man hesitated, “I play guitar. I’m also a student at…

  • Your Time Choice Is Money (17/22)

    Story 17 : Jesus befriended two sisters, Mary and Martha (Luke 10: 38-41).  While Jesus visited their home, they each chose a priority for the same hour while Jesus was there.  Martha busied herself with the most trivial tasks to show her hospitality. Instead of focusing on meal preparation with joy, she was distracted and…

  • Asking Is Money (16/22)?

    Story 16: Lorie owns a ranch in Southern California. It serves mostly charter schools and disabled children for healing through animal connection.  The 2020 mandatory lockdown put Lorie’s ranch in financial distress. She barely had enough funds to keep the animals fed.  Reluctantly, she put her ranch on the market for sale.  After months of…

  • Are You At A Job Or Work (15/22)?

    Story 15: How was David, a nobody shepherd boy in the Bible, recommended to King Saul who promoted David to pinnacle success? Look at how David was overlooked at home (1 Samuel 16). David’s father had so many sons and didn’t even remember David’s existence when the prophet Samuel came to visit. All his older…

  • How Are You Managing Money Now (14/22)?

    Story 14: Spirit has heard you; you want more money NOW! But first, how are you managing the money you have now?  How you currently manage what you possess is an indication of how the money will flow to you or repel from you.  Jesus revealed the secret of receiving wealth in the story of…

  • Are You Willing To Go The Extra Mile (13/22)?

    Story 13: It was pouring in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  An elderly lady entered a nearby department store to kill time while waiting for the rain to slow down.  She went from counter to counter, and most of the store workers noticed her idling and made no contact with her.  However, at one counter, a young salesman…

  • How Passionate Are You (12/22)?

    Story 12: In March 2022, on the beach of Newport in the state of Oregon, the Sylvia Beach Hotel celebrated its 35th anniversary.  This hotel was originally built between 1910 to 1913, and it was named the New Cliff House. Later it was renamed as the Hotel Gilmore.  In the 80s, both Goody Cable and…

  • Can You Act On Intuition (11/22)?

    Story 11: In the late 80s, Jeff Arch was in his 30s, running a tae-kwon-do studio and raising two young children with his wife in a small town in Virginia.  He woke up one early morning around 3 o’clock and couldn’t go back to sleep. He got up and turned on the TV in another…

  • Money Loves Gratitude (10/22)

    Story 10: You may have seen Joe Vitale in the movie, The Secret. He’s well-recognized as a spiritual teacher and a prolific wealth writer.  During the years of being homeless in Houston, Texas, he spent most of his waking hours in the public library to stay physically comfortable.  He had been in an extended and desolate…

  • Turn Your Anger Into Money (9/22)

    Story 9: In the late 70s, Debbi Fields was a housewife. One day, her husband took her to an after-work gathering in a fancy mansion.  As she was in the library appreciating the plethora of book collections, the owner walked in and blurted out, “What are you doing here?” Taken by surprise, she timidly replied,…

  • What’s Your Feeling Toward Money (8/22)?

    Story 8: I was born during the Chinese Cultural Revolution in the late 60s.  As a baby, my parents were both sent to separate concentration camps. But my father stayed closer to me, visited me at boarding schools, and took me to visit my mother under authority.  In the 70s, China suffered severe material and…

  • Believing In Seeing The Money (7/22)

    Story 7:  I have a disclaimer here:  You may get irritated with this story, but I included this story intentionally to raise our money awareness. I challenge you to read through to get the point. From 1977 to 1987, ABC Television Network in America ran a successful series, The Love Boat.  The lead actor Gavin…

  • Why Right Orders Before Money (6/22)?

    Story 6: What was the secret for Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc. to generate over 500 million dollars in annual revenues each year? Founder Mary Kay Ash had a famous motto,  “God first, family second, career third.”  In 1963, Ash opened her first store in Dallas. In only a few years, she achieved her stupendous success…

  • Who’s Your Wealth Company (5/22)?

    Story 5:  At a wealth-building seminar, a young man who worked as a brick worker got up and asked the presenter, “How did you become so rich?”  The presenter gave him four words, “Keep the right company.”  If you want to raise your wealth consciousness by attracting and retaining more money, whom are you hanging out…

  • Do You Trust Yourself With Money (4/22)?

    Have you heard the songs of “Starry Starry Night” or “Bye Bye Miss American Pie?”  For over 50 years, “American Pie” graced the music world with its uniqueness in both music and lyrics. The iconic song has been played on YouTube millions of times.  Songwriter Don McLean’s career journey may enlighten you. Raised with a…

  • What’s Your Money Routine (3/22)

    Story 3: When you watch top athletes soaring with phenomenal performances, are you fascinated by their physical apparatus?  Jerry Rice, one of the best wide receivers in US football history, has inspired many young football players with his self-discipline.  The former head coach of the Denver Broncos, Mike Shanahan, said that Jerry was not the…

  • Your Words Are Money (2/22)

    Story 2:  A-list actor Denzel Washington was an alcoholic addict.  Earlier in his career, Denzel didn’t grace the newsstands. He was occasionally featured in the news for drinking excessive alcohol until he passed out somewhere.  In addition to the negative news, his non-stop alcohol consumption also beckoned a 20-pound weight gain.  As an actor, he…

  • Where Is The Secret of Money

    Hello, dear one!  You’ve wanted a pile of money to ease your life, and you’ve done them all. You read these books multiple times, but you seem to stand in the same place year after year: The Secret.  Rich Dad Poor Dad.   Think And Grow Rich.     The Rich Man in Babylon.  …

  • Who’s Your Master?

    Hello, dear one! Whatever bothers you is a story, but if you’re self-aware, you can bring the power back to you and turn your poor-me story into glory. When all the schools reopened in the summer of 2021, my state mandated all students, like my son, who didn’t receive the Covid shots to wear a…

  • Who Will You FIRE Today?

    Hello, dear one! I’m not talking about a job firing here, but rather, I hope to encourage you to fire the negative people in your life. In my case, it’s always been my inner critic. Many years ago, I was in a transaction purchasing a rental property. After paying all the inspection reports and securing…

  • Columbus’ Secret Quality

    Hello, dear one!Have you been more self-aware and in tune with upcoming events since the mandatory Covid-19 lockdown in 2020? Do you know there is an increasing demand for self-seeking?According to a report from the U.S. Personal Development Market,“The global personal development market size was valued at USD 41.81 billion in 2021 and is anticipated…

  • 3 Actions To Achieve Money Ease

    Hello, dear one!If you pay attention to the U.S. economy, you won’t be surprised to read headlines like the Business Insider stated: “Markets may be on a tear this year, but the economy is under the most pressure since 2008 and could still easily fall into recession…” I possess a few degrees, but none of them…

  • How To Land A Dream Job?

    Hello, dear one!If you’re in the market to seek a job, this story is for you.And if you’re reading this article, you’re guided here to perceive a job landing from another angel.At a neighborhood gathering, I met a gentleman who was recently hired by a prestigious company, without a job title!You heard it right! The company…

  • Let Go For The Magic

    Hello, dear one!Whenever you’re resistant to a thing or a person, you’re blocking the energy flow which brings you peace inside.Let it go. Recently I was summoned for jury duty. Trust me, this was one duty I could live without from my past experiences.Where I live requires me to drive 20 minutes to the courthouse, with…

  • How To Unstuck Instantly?

    Hello, dear one! When an unexpected event surprises you, and you feel stuck in it, what’s the quickest way to get out? Many years ago I accompanied my parents to meet my mother’s best friend at a restaurant for a Chinese breakfast, dim sum, in the most popular district of Shanghai, China. As soon as…

  • How Good Can You ASK?

    Hello, dear one! When a door shuts in your face, do you accept the way it is? If something you want has a price tag that seems out of reach, do you stop there? Recently, I learned from my friend that her son, a young man in his twenties, has a hearing challenge.  For the…

  • Which Voice Are You Hearing?

    Hello, dear one! Are you aware that you’re constantly and simultaneously hearing two voices, the voice of fear and the voice of love?  When you make a decision, you might not be aware of this truth. But if you pay attention to hearing the inner voice, you’ll elevate your self-awareness. Recently I attended an annual…

  • Are You Poisoned Every Day?

    Hello, dear one! Do these toothpaste look familiar to you? Are they sitting on your bathroom counters? The fluoride in them is also in the water you drink and use daily. Is fluoride good for us as we’ve been told? Or, it could be a poison? Recently a dear friend reached out to me because…

  • Stop Saying “I Hope”

    Hello, dear one! When you want something so badly, do you catch yourself habitually saying “I hope”? I hope I’ll get it. I hope it will happen. I hope. I hope. What I learned recently was that nothing good could come to me until I stopped saying “I hope.” Before our family headed toward Zion…

  • Why Stop Helping?

    Hello, dear one! Have you tried to reach out to someone who needs help but declines your offer? If you still care about the person and feel frustrated, you may approach differently after hearing this story.  During my recent trip, I engaged in a conversation with a helicopter pilot at the hotel’s breakfast time. He…

  • Is Failure A Lie?

    Hello, dear one! When you don’t get what you want, how do you perceive it, as a failure or a victory? Your attitude towards what’s in front of you guides your next action, and your next action shapes your character and determines your final destiny.  In the word “believe”, there is a “lie” in the…

  • What’s Your “I AM”?

    Hello, dear one! When you’re with people, including your immediate family, have you ever wondered if you all are shaping each other’s characters and playing assigned social roles?  Then, representing the image of God, who are you in the “I AM”? For many years, I intentionally attended church services to seek God, but my aha…

  • How Good Are Your Soft Skills?

    Hello, dear one! Why do some people seem to follow a lucky star, always at the right place, with the right help, and achieving what they want at the right time?  They possess soft skills! Soft skills are hard to learn, cannot be measured, and demand conscious effort to build over the years. In 1918,…

  • How To Save The Most On Your Healthcare?

    Hello, dear one! Have you noticed the escalated healthcare cost? Do you suspect the health industry is more about profit than your actual care? Whose orders do your hospital administrators and doctors follow? If you feel there is room to streamline your healthcare cost, you’re ahead of the crowd. Be your own doctor, dentist, or…

  • What’s Your RICH Choice Today?

    Hello, dear one! Like many, you may also desire a simple, happy, and liberated life, but whom have you chosen to expedite the manifestation?  For this Mother’s Day, let me share a rich lesson I learned from an extraordinary woman who transmuted her life from an intentional choice. Years ago when I worked as a…

  • What Will You Unload?

    Hello, dear one! Have you ever examined your past decisions? How many of them were inspired by your passion, or rooted in fear? Your brain is designed for survival. Whether you’re aware or not of each decision, you have this natural aptitude to remain in a familiar and safe zone. That’s how you’ve managed to…

  • Good Enough To Give?

    Hello, dear one! Have you ever wondered why people get involved with voluntary organizations? Are they aware of what drives them to give? Each year, a few associates would invite me to join a missionary trip to underdeveloped countries, but I haven’t been in the season for the lofty expeditions, and honestly, I never thought…

  • The Richest Place

    Hello, dear one! Have you ever wondered where the richest place is on Earth? Let’s explore. On an illustrious day, I caught up with my friend who just returned home from Spain with her husband. Oh boy, didn’t they have a story to tell! While traveling on the coast of Spain in 2018, they fell…

  • The Skill For Your Future

    Hello, dear one! Have you ever received a sizable check from a neighbor unexpectedly? Well, I have. I had no idea that my critical thinking would have earned me a surprise gift. Like any normal day, after I picked up my mail in the mailbox, I flipped through a pile of newspaper ads, donation solicitation…

  • Which Self Will Decide?

    Hello, dear one! Have you ever reflected on and analyzed your major decisions? Did you make them out in inspiration or fear? What were the results from either inspiration or fear? Recently when I shopped at a local grocery store, I ran into a young lady who was stocking canned sardines. She grew up in…

  • A Weatherproof Skill

    Hello, dear one! After you’ve witnessed the recent banking collapses and economic weather storms, will you be interested in learning a weatherproofing skill to defend yourself against unpredictable disasters? Let me tell you a story of how one skill saved lives. In the twelfth century, the Mongols invaded China. Their leader, Genghis Khan was a…

  • Is Student Loan A Trap?

    Hello, dear one! Do you or know someone who currently has an unpaid student loan? Do you know it’s a government’s financial trap to impoverish college students? Hmm, this may sound like an accusation, so why don’t I tell you a story explicating the game of luring you to a strong desire and weakening you…

  • Less Is More For Wealth?

    Hello, dear one! Be honest. Have you envied others for purchasing a fancier car or a dream home? I sure have, but now, my lessons have taught me that less is more for my wealth. To celebrate my birthday, my dear friend invited me to her home and surprised me with this gorgeous and mouth-watering…

  • What’s Worthy Is Worth Paying For

    Hello, dear one! When you were at a job interview, negotiating a purchase, or pressured to say YES, did you quickly reassess your self-worth before moving forward? How can a self-worth assessment contribute to a favorable outcome? After my last renter moved out of my condo, I began a four-month extensive remodeling project. Upon completion,…

  • No Is A Ticket To Wealth

    Hello, dear one! I bet you’ve had this experience: After you agreed with a YES reluctantly because your heart couldn’t bear to disappoint or offend someone, you wished you had said a NO. NO is not a simple two-letter word; it strikes the root of self-value. A yes could commit you to the loss of…

  • Which Investment?

    Hello, dear one! When you hear the word “wealth,” what does it come to your mind? Does it often lead you to think of money and investment? There are two kinds of investments, external and internal. Which one you choose to focus on will have its consequences. I was brought up and brained washed by…

  • Act On Self-Love

    Hello, dear one! As we celebrate love on Valentine’s day, how much do we honor ourselves? While facing a tough decision, do you ask yourself:  What would someone who loves himself or herself do? I grew up in tyrannical communist China, and SELF is expressed through submitting to authorities and following the crowd. Self-love has…

  • Don’t Argue For Your Limits!

    Hello, dear one! I bet you’ve wanted something, but talked yourself out of it at the end. It could be fear of the unknown, or it simply felt impossible. Many years ago I met a Canadian dentist at a seminar, and his story perfectly echoed what Richard Back said, “Argue for your limitations and, sure…

  • Detachment To Stop Disappointment

    Hello, dear one! When your loved ones disappoint you, what do you do next? After the long and insidious rainy days this winter, as soon as the sun smiled, I hit the trail with my dog. I ran into an old neighbor who bought a bigger home and left our neighborhood before the Covid lockdown. …

  • Why Relax About A Problem?

    Hello, dear one! I’m sure you’ve heard of an old saying, “If you’re stuck with a problem, sleep on it.” This advice was gold for me recently. For no advanced notice, my cell phone stopped calling services despite its ability to send and receive text messages.  Of course, my initial step was to call my…

  • Do You Know Enough To Conclude?

    Hello, dear one! When life throws you a lemon with a disappointing situation, do you find ways to turn your lemon into a lemonade? Many years ago I happened to watch a public television channel, and I heard Dr. Wayne Dyer enthusiastically state,  “No one knows enough to be a pessimist.” This statement has since…

  • Who Are You Really?

    Hello, dear one! Have you been curious about the symbolic meaning of Jesus’ resurrection? How can we experience a rebirth during hardship? As we began 2023, the news has been bombarded with massive layoffs and business bankruptcies.  Tech giants like Facebook have laid off 13% of employees which totaled 11,000 people. Both Amazon and Google…

  • Will You Bring Out The Inner Lion?

    Hello, dear one! Have you ever wondered why the lion is always associated with leadership and courage? God favored the lion. He crowned the lion the king of the animal world and identified Himself with the quality of a lion! In the animal world, the lion is not the fastest like the cheetah, not the…

  • How Educated Are You?

    Hello, dear one! I bet you’ve blamed others at least once for your misfortunes. And whenever you caught yourself with a considerable mistake, you beat up yourself to the ground multiple times.  Congratulations! This is when true education reveals itself in you. I had long associated education with the traditional school systems and degrees, until…

  • Do You Have The Courage For A Change?

    Hello, dear one! How many times have you heard people say, “I’d be happy, only if…?” But if you ask them why they don’t pursue whatever they want, they will surprise you with a well-prepared list of reasons.  Ironically, the list has prepared them to be stuck there! It takes courage to look into yourself…

  • Led By Your Mind Or Spirit?

    Hello, dear one! Have you invested much effort to achieve a goal, but you don’t see the result? You’ve done everything you could according to the teachings from the achievers, but it’s not happening the way they’ve accomplished. Take a breath and know that there is a reason for every season. There are at least…

  • Letting Go To Prosper

    Hello, dear one! As you approach the end of this year, what has upgraded your life, and what has hindered your desired prosperity? Allow me to share a childhood story to start a conversation on letting go to prosper.  Once upon a time on a mountain in China, a young monk was assigned to sweep…

  • Turn Your Story Into Glory

    Hello, dear one! Do you still catch yourself talking about past mistakes? Do you still occasionally regret a decision you made?  Maybe I should have chosen a better career path. I wish that I had spent more time with my parents and listened to my children more. I could have followed my heart more. This…

  • Why Is Your Dream Delayed?

    Hello, dear one! I hear your frustration.  You know what you want and work hard towards it, but it’s not happening. Or, you don’t see the immediate physical result. There are always two events happening simultaneously with your desire: Your physical and spiritual manifestations of your desire. Since we live in the 3D world, we…

  • Trust Your Ego Or God?

    Hello, dear one! You probably have experienced this too. You so wanted something to happen your way, and you toiled yourself with heart and soul. However, you didn’t witness the fruition in the end. While you were discouraged, life magically moved you to a place beyond your wildest dream. That’s how you heard stories like…

  • Will You Try A New Name?

    Hello, dear one! Here is an exercise for you today: Listen to name callings throughout the day. What have you heard so far?  Oh, I can’t believe I did this; I’m stupid! I wish I had known better; I’m such an idiot! My boss ignores my vacation request again because I’m a doormat!  Many of…

  • How Good Are Your Skills?

    Hello, dear one! Have you met someone who seems to be super lucky? When there is a big opportunity, this person is always prepared, ready, and able for it! Business trainer Brain Tracy has dedicated decades to teaching personal development which leads to overall happiness and success in life.  At almost every seminar, attendees would…

  • How Do You Manage Your Time?

    Hello, dear one! If you’re praying for more time in a day to assist you, this article is for you. After meditating on the teachings from the Bible, the late Mr. Jim Rohn taught people all over the world about time management, “We all have the same amount of time. Killing time isn’t murder, it’s…

  • Who’s Boat Are You Rowing?

    Hello, dear one! You may still remember the nursery rhythm: Row row row your boat, gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,  life is a dream.  The nursery rhythm is beyond its face value; it is a life principle.  We’re always in a boat of life, streaming somewhere.  In the ocean of overwhelmingly bombarded life, are you…

  • Which One Is Your Master?

    Hello, dear one! Have you wondered why some people always get “stuck” with their health, career, or relationship goals even when they’re clear with the desired outcomes?  Well, if you try to drive a car, put one foot on the gas pedal and the other on the break, how far can you go?  The challenge…

  • Physical Blindness or Spiritual Blindness?

    Hello, dear one! Have you wondered why so many megachurch pastors, like Brian Houston from Hillsong and Rick Warren from Saddleback stepped down since the pandemic?  Many questioned if they had exited under God’s grace. Your discernment will lead you to conclude with your research.  The next piece of news was hard for me to…

  • When It’s Assigned To You

    Hello, dear one! Do you remember what your parents and teachers told you about your efforts? If you want something good in life, you have to work hard to obtain it. No pain; no gain.  Is it true? Then you looked around and noticed a few injustices:  The young men who charmed hard didn’t get…

  • Which End Will You Choose?

    Hello, dear one! Have you had the experience that the more you complained, the more things got worse? The single complaint in the morning was a small seed, but it grew into a bigger plant by the end of the day. What was the worst part? Still, no solution was found to all these complaints!…

  • Life Is A Vapor

    Hello, dear one! If you have lost loved ones, you will know the feeling. It feels like a dream. You can still see them vividly in your heart, but they’re no longer in your 3D reality. They were like a hair spray and a mist, and they’re gone now.  This story caught my attention on…

  • The Right Way To Give

    Hello, dear one! Perhaps like me, you were taught at a very young age the virtues of giving to the need. But there were times when you were pressured to give.  You gave because everyone sitting around you, working with you, or living next to you expected you to give, so the giving from you…

  • How Much Do You Trust Yourself?

    Hello, dear one! When you look at the word “trust,” do you see the US in it? What does trust mean to you? How much do you trust yourself? Have you ever wondered why some people are always stuck with something, a job, a relationship, or a health condition? And, others with little education and…

  • Which Room Will You Choose?

    Hello, dear one! When your parents failed to recognize you, your boss ignored your promotion, your partner disappointed you, and your friends betrayed you, what will you choose, NEXT? You hear this: Life is unfair. Sometimes. When I was studying energy and frequency, I heard a story from Dr. Sue Morter, the leading energy expert…

  • Where Is Your Home?

    Hello, dear one! Do you remember a time when you felt like a misfit at home, school, or work? Do you sometimes express how happy you could be if you could move to this dream place, own this gorgeous home, or join this pristine community?  What will this manifested dream do for you? Will it…

  • Telling A New Story

    Hello, dear one! Have you met people who are always telling the same “sad stories”? These stories could be anything, disappointments from childhood, career stagnation, or mental stress. And when you try to help them, they decline your help and continue with the same old stories.  I learned a secret from this Bible story years…

  • Are You Willing To Stop Struggling?

    Hello, dear one! If you’re like me, growing up and being told that life was hard, and you needed to work hard and struggle for what you wanted, you’d be surprised to discover the truth. In this high-tech age, have you noticed that you’ve been downloading others’ software on your mind and operating on their…

  • Do You Know Your Value?

    Hello, dear one! Why are you working on a job not feeling fulfilled? Why are you hanging on to a relationship or friendship that no longer serves you? Why are you forcing yourself to do the chores that displease you? Humans are creatures of habits.  In a most recent survey from Next Gen Personal Finance,…

  • How Much Do you Trust Your Time?

    Hello, dear one! Throughout the year, you may hear people say things like I wish I can work less and travel more, I wish I’m feeling good enough to finish my project, or I wish my kids are independent on their own. The good news is that your wish is heard and granted, at God’s…

  • Upgrade Your B.S.

    Hello, dear one! What? Am I cursing with the common BS? No, this B.S. stands for BELIEF SYSTEM. Since you can remember, your parents, schools, neighbors, and peers have conditioned you with rules and norms that might not agree with your core values, but you learned to adapt to them. In the process, you’ve numbed…

  • Change What First?

    Hello, dear one! Have you ever taken the time to figure out what made you unhappy in the past?  For me, I was able to connect some self-induced misery dots after meditating on a quote by the great philosopher Socrates: The unexamined life is not worth living. I was unhappy because I didn’t get what…

  • A Lesson From Conor McGregor

    Hello, dear one! Take a look at your circle of influence, your family, friends, colleagues, neighbors, network clubs, and associations, who have grown you and served you the most? In April 2022, former two-weight champion Conor McGregor was listed as the highest-paid UFC (Ultimate Fighting Champion) fighter of his era. However, his old social media…

  • Let The Actions Speak

    Hello, dear one! You’ve had this experience, haven’t you? You so admire and appreciate someone who never fails to sing “Love you” at the end of each gathering or conversation, but when you reached out in need, the person was not available. The education system has programmed humans to always say the right things so…

  • Finding Streams In A Desert

    Hello, dear one! When you’re stuck in a situation, and nothing seems possible at the moment, what do you do next? If that situation is a desert, how do you discover the water there? Allow me to inspire you with a real story. During a network meeting recently, one young lady shared a story of…

  • Compassionately Successful

    Hello, dear one! Have you stopped to think if you’re wiped out with everything you have, your home, your job, and maybe your family, whom will you reach out to? And why will you choose them? Will you be surprised to arrive at one quality that describes your faithful helpers: Compassion? During this turbulent time, people…

  • Will You Dare To Bet On Yourself?

    Hello, dear one! Do you remember a time when you dragged yourself to a stressful job, coerced yourself into a lifeless gathering, or suffocated yourself to entertain a narcissist?  How did you feel afterward?  Yap, in your depleted state of being, you regretted and even hated yourself for continuing, which only begot more frustration and…

  • Can Shanghai Eradicate The Covid-19 Virus?

    Hello, dear one! When you look at this picture, what was your initial feeling?  What was the first thought coming to you? Did you hear a calling from Bill Gates for more Covid-19 shots, feel somewhat indifferent, or sense something fishy? Don’t get me wrong! I’m not starting a conversation on the Covid-19 vaccine shots.…

  • Can You Afford To Work With Zillow In Real Estate?

    Hello, dear one! If you’re interested in purchasing real estate, you may want to learn a little about Zillow.  While the majority of American retail stores suffered tremendous business loss during the Covid-19 lockdowns, Amazon took advantage of the pandemic and increased 38% its net profit with $386 billion in sales.  Following Amazon’s footsteps, the…

  • The 80/20 Rule For Time Management

    Hello, dear one! Do you wish you have more time in a day to accomplish more? Are you feeling restless sometimes because of a lack of time? Relax. You’re not alone. Let the 80/20 rule bring you a new perspective! You probably have heard of the 80/20 rule in every business management. Do you know…

  • How Passionate Are You About Your Vision?

    Hello, dear one! On a scale of one to ten, how passionate are you with your life today? Do you have a burning desire for a future vision that’s held in your heart? Passion is a life force. With its focused energy, passion can be pragmatically measured with your persistent actions.  On March 14, 2022,…

  • What Is Your Sign For The Covid-19 Boosters?

    Hello, dear one! If you’re debating whether to take the second Covid-19 booster shot or not, you’re not alone.  A few nurse friends of mine are sitting on fences about this shot, and they have a good reason! According to the breaking news on April 26, 2022, Vice President Kamala Harris tested positive for Covid-19…

  • Microplastics Found In Human Lungs From Wearing Masks

    Hello, dear one! Since the beginning of 2020, the world has cumulated plenty of psychological dramas to make a movie for wearing masks! And two years later, the facial mask story continues its twists and turns. According to WebMD this month, a study was conducted on a group of routine surgical patients at Castle Hill…

  • Make Money Flow To You And Stick On You!

    Hello, dear one! Welcome to the same old topic: Money! The late metaphysics master teacher Louise Hay used to say that money is the hardest subject because it is an inside job. This was true for real estate agent Larry. Larry made a career change to real estate sales because he no longer found fulfillment…

  • Attract Your Ideal Mate In 90 Days

    Hello, dear one! If you’ve been longing and ready to have a meaningful relationship, is it possible to meet your ideal companion in 90 days? Sara did it!  Sara was in her late 30s and looked perfect on paper: She graduated from Stanford University and worked as a software engineer for a well-known tech company.…

  • The Universe Has Your Back!

    Hello, dear one! When you want a specific result, do you usually work hard on your own? Or have you considered a partnership with the universe? Does the universe have your back? Here is my action-packed story. In February this year, I had an inkling to check my passport and found out I needed to…

  • The Law of Rhythm (12/12)

    Hello, dear one! I’ve saved the best for the last, the law of rhythm. If you can grasp and apply this law, you’ll always feel hopeful in a temporary setback.  I grew up next to a temple in China, and my childhood was filled with monk stories like this one. One day, as a young…

  • The Law of Polarity (11/12)

    Hello, dear one! If you’re nebulous about something, how do you find clarity? Sometimes you discover what you want through what you don’t like. If someone is mean to you, you’ll appreciate kindness. If you’re cold, you’ll want something warm. You won’t feel joy without experiencing sorrow.  The law of polarity indicates that everything in…

  • The Law of Gender (10/12)

    Hello, dear one! If you’re associating the word gender with biological sexes, you’re in for a new definition to expand your awareness.  To illustrate the law of gender, let’s revisit the greatest technological presentation by Apple CEO, Steve Jobs.  On January 9, 2007, the auditorium in Moscone Center, San Francisco was packed with enthusiastic keynote…

  • The Law of Relativity (9/12)

    Hello, dear one! Do you know as you admire others’ success and happiness, they also secretly wish to have your unique qualities and experiences? Here is a perfect story to illustrate the law of relativity. In 2004, Dove launched a Real Beauty campaign after surveying 3,000 women in 10 different countries. To begin the process,…

  • The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy (8/12)

    Hello, dear one! The law of perpetual transmutation of energy? Men, that’s a mouthful! I get it, so I’ll slowly explain it as it’s magical once you understand and apply it. You might have heard this, “Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be transferred.” Water becomes ice or steam at different temperatures,…

  • The Law of Compensation (7/12)

    Hello, dear one! When you hear “compensation,” do you first associate it with financial compensation or tangible materials? The law of compensation states that you reap what you sow, in all areas of your life, including your health, money situation, and relationships with others. We live in a highly competitive and material-driven world. By the…

  • The Law of Cause and Effect (6/12)

    Hello, dear one! How are you feeling about your health, money, career, and relationships? They’re all your manifestations from past decisions and actions, intentional or unintentional.  The law of cause and effect is the law of karma, and it states that every action you take now, good or bad, will come back to your reality…

  • The Law of Inspired Action (5/12)

    Hello, dear one! Have you ever wondered no matter how much you offer the needed support, your loved ones aren’t motivated to take action? As an introvert, my son was sensitive and bullied in elementary school. I bought him books and created activities to help build his inner strength, but I failed at every attempt…

  • The Law of Correspondence (4/12)

    Hello, dear one! Have you noticed a pattern in your thoughts, decisions, and behaviors? Have you been repeating similar experiences with different people at various times? Understanding the law of correspondence will solve the enigma of life.  The law of correspondence suggests the patterns of the physical world, such as the changes of four seasons…

  • The Law of Attraction

    Hello, dear one! Perhaps the most well-known of the universal laws is the law of attraction. According to the law of attraction, you attract what you focus on. Your positive thoughts and beliefs will attract and result in positive experiences, and vice versa. Whether you’re aware or not, the law of attraction is constantly working…

  • Where Is Your Answer?

    Hello, dear one! During this most tumultuous or exciting time, if you’re about to make a life-changing decision, where is your answer to a tough question? A young man in my neighborhood faced a dilemma.  After working tirelessly for a dream company for about two years, his distant relative in Stockholm, Sweden offered him a…

  • What Are You Working Hard On?

    Hello, dear one! When you want a certain thing, a job, a home, a car, or a dream partner, you’ll naturally work hard and find every access to obtain it.  But, what are you working hard on will either expertise or delay your manifestation.  Upon returning home from a beach trip, my son desperately wanted…

  • The #1 Wealth Habit

    Hello, dear one! It’s tax season again! Have you ever complained about the guaranteed tax increase? How can you build wealth if you’re continuously harassed with various taxes? What are ways to combat and win the tax battle? I have been a seminar junkie since the mid-nineties. I intuitively knew my lack of knowledge and…