The Law of Rhythm (12/12)

Hello, dear one!

I’ve saved the best for the last, the law of rhythm. If you can grasp and apply this law, you’ll always feel hopeful in a temporary setback. 

I grew up next to a temple in China, and my childhood was filled with monk stories like this one.

One day, as a young monk was sweeping the fall leaves in the courtyard, he felt a little sadness and asked his master monk,

“Master, why would a tree abandon its leaves?”

Master Monk replied, “The tree never abandons its leaves. The old leaves no longer serve the growth of the tree. Letting go of the old leaves is to allow the new leaves to come in next spring.”

The law of rhythm states that everything in the universe has cycles and patterns. Life is like the flow and ebb of ocean tides. 

When you’re in the deepest darkness, the light is on its way. As you brag about your success, you’re also simmering misfortune.

Like a pendulum, your life swings back and forth to the center constantly.

The starting point of your universe is right here in you, and you don’t know how high you can rise until you’re called upon.

There is a Bible story about Abigail, a young wife married to Abel, whose name means a fool (1 Samuel 25). 

Hiding from King Saul’s assassination, David and his men camped near Abel’s land. While staying there, they protected and cared for Abel’s flocks.

When harvest time came, David kindly asked Abel to share food with his men. Living up to his name, a true fool, Abel ignored and disrespected David, a future king.

In a rage, David ordered his men to wipe out Abel’s entire tribe.

When Abigail heard the news, she immediately delivered food and wine to David and his men. She begged for forgiveness until David agreed to spare her life and the lives of all Abel’s people. 

However, Abigail didn’t stop there. Before leaving David, she courageously ASKED David if he would remember her. 

Later, after David defeated King Saul and became the king, he returned and married Abigail. 

With the law of rhythm, Abigail swung her pendulum of life, from near death to rebirth, and from marrying a fool to marrying a king.

The law of rhythm encourages letting go and embracing each season’s offer without resistance. The universe is always in a perpetual movement.

The college degree you’re pursuing now may lead to an obsolete career before your graduation. The retirement pension you’re entitled to could be wiped out in a flash. 

Society has extolled the virtue of hardworking, but what’s the difference between a job and your work? 

A job is what you’re paid to do, trading your hours for money. You can be replaced.  But your work is what you were born with; it’s a gift that came with you. Work your job to discover your gift, and you’ll never be jobless.

When you’re working with your gift, you’re living and creative in a flow. The fear of job loss can’t come close to your higher vibrations.

The people you hold on to the most may be here for a season. The material accumulation you’ve worked hard for can disappear with a disaster or a change of government policy. 

You’re constantly in the rhythm of life, experiencing each event, releasing it, and unfolding the next moment. 

The law of rhythm helps you to recognize your patterns of thoughts and behaviors so that you can connect vertically to Infinite Wisdom in horizontal divisions.

God has made you a masterpiece to grow through, not go through life in any situation. 

As you study and apply the 12 infallible universal laws, your raised consciousness will positively elevate your choices and impact many around you. 

The better world begins with you, as Rumi reflected,

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world.

Today I’m wise, so I’m changing myself.”

Dance with your rhythm today!